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[일반] WinRAR v5.70 (x86-x64) 한글판 정식

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WinRAR - What's new in the latest version 

[바뀐점은 아래 링크를 참조 바랍니다.]


   Version 5.70

   1. "Files to process" option on "Time" page of archiving dialog
      allows to choose files based on modification, creation or last access
      file time. Previously it was possible for modification time only.
   2. Command line -ta, -tb, -tn, -to switches accept 'm', 'c' and 'a'
      modifiers after the switch name. So file time conditions can include
      not only the file modification time as in previous versions,
      but also creation and last access time.

      Such switch can include multiple modifiers to set the same date
      for all specified times. For example, -tamc20190215 will process files
      modified and created after 2019-02-15. 
      New 'o' modifier permits to switch from AND to OR logic,
      so -tamco20190215 includes files modified or created after 2019-02-15.
      It is also allowed to specify several time filtering switches
      with different dates in the same command line, like:
      -taco20190201 -tbmo20190210

      Switches -ta and -tn also include files matching the specified date 

      exactly. Switches -tb and -to exclude such files. 

